The pre-rendered hallway as seen in the game with moving boxes.

The most used state of the hallway scene.

Another possible iteration of the hallway scene.

The hallway as seen in the CSM degree show, June 2023

The hallway as seen in the first demo of the game shown at CSM, December 2023

An old version of the hallway before the first demo.

This is the hallway environment for the first video game I am working on about a Jewish teenage boy grasping with growing up and figuring out who he is. He lives in a moldy, cramped flat with the four other members of his family. I had a very clear picture of what the hallway should look like in my head, unlike some of the other rooms in the flat, so it was quick to model and put together.
With each project I learn more and more about the software I'm using. And sometimes only one or two details added can make an environment pop. I added the hoover, the bucket and the mop and it elevated a flat looking room. In the future I'd like to add more clutter, but for the purpose of this environment to be done for a short deadline I am satisfied with the narrative it's telling.
This game was developped on Unity by Joshua Gundlach, find his itch.io here.
All 3D assets done by me. Textures from 3D Textures and texture can and my own.